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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is the IUE an accredited institution of higher learning?
    IUE is fully accredited by the Commission on Higher Education of the World Association of Visioneers and Entreprenologists (WAVE).
  • Does the U.S. Department of Education recognize that accrediting commission?
    A. The U.S. Department of Education does not recognize the commission primarily because WAVE has never applied for such recognition for the following reasons: To make it possible for an enrolling student to be eligible to apply for federal financial assistance. We choose to NOT participate in those programs. The regulations and policies upon which accreditation is predicated would require the elimination of those essentials that makes IUE unique among the myriad schools, colleges, and universities that ARE accredited. The reason schools, colleges, allowing greater freedom from traditional educational institutions, and universities MUST be accredited – The process of becoming accredited is very expensive. This would, out of necessity, oblige the IUE to increase the cost of all programs to offset this regularly assessed expense. Accreditation is a voluntary process and there are schools, colleges and universities in the United States that choose not to become accredited. Harvard University, one of the oldest and best-known universities in the world today, did not become accredited for many years after the process became a widespread practice among other schools, colleges and universities for reasons stated above.
  • Who recognizes your degree?
    A. Today there are certifications from major tech companies like Google, Microsoft, & other major businesses; that surpass the need that conventional education offers. Each accredited school, college and university is autonomous regarding which credits they will or will not accept when a student transfers in from another institution. It is common for students – those transferring from one accredited school to another - to lose as much as 50% to 70% of credits they have earned up to that point, even though the coursework (to be transferred) is virtually identical. Schools are not obliged to accept transfer credit even though it is from one accredited institution to another. With an IUE education your life experience always holds your valid credentials wherever you are.
  • What is The Education PhD vs. Experience PHD Paradox?
    It is no different when creating a successful enterprise. With your years of experience behind you, you have learned and lived the uncertainty and risks that your own enterprise success means… and you have learned what traditional institution PhD’s need to know, i.e., your theoretical knowledge; however, as an entreprenologist, you are not going to stop learning today. The IUE credential is your Living Dissertation PHD, i.e., Professional Higher Doctorate
  • What are the benefits of earning a degree from the IUE?
    You may note that the curriculum is NOT traditionally academic. The credential is based upon one’s first-hand experience as a participant in life. The credential is not earned through academic rigor. IUE credentials are assessed on the combination of ‘knowledge, experience and imagination’ that you use to be successful. We hold the belief that your value is in the wisdom gained by experience. You realize that success is not an easy road, and if you would like to benefit from the things you have learned over the course of your career to date, you are clearly the person we like to see in our program. This PhD shows the world your years of experience.
  • What is The Education vs. Experience Paradox
    Regulated universities are now starting to credit experience and wisdom in some areas and not in others. USA Supreme Courts Justices are appointed to the bench for life. Why? Because of their experience and the wisdom that can only come through experience. We see this in the variety of equally qualified knowledge experts in all fields – e.g., politics, law, economics, medicine, etc., are not all equally full of wisdom. Why? Again, we recognize that true wisdom is gained through the entreprenological application of experience to action. It is no different when creating a successful enterprise. With your years of experience behind you, you have learned and lived the uncertainty and risks that your own enterprise success means… and you have learned what traditional institution PhD’s need to know, you are not going to stop learning today.
  • Where is the IUE Campus Located?
    The IUE does not have a campus for the following reasons: The IUE does not require the standard “brick and mortar” campus because the courses are held in locations convenient to the communities where participants reside & online. The IUE can keep the cost of its programs highly competitive because it does not have the cost burden of maintaining a traditional campus.
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